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发布日期:2024-07-04 07:47    点击次数:69







Microprogramming is a type of storage logic and a way to implement the execution of computer instructions. Its basic idea is to divide a machine instruction into many basic operation sequences, which can be categorized as information transmission. The key to information transmission is the opening and closing of control gates. Therefore, the information in the storage array can be used to control the opening and closing of these gates. Consequently, microprogram control signals can be structured into microinstructions in the form of microcodes, and multiple microinstructions can be organized into a microprogram and stored in memory. Retrieving a microinstruction generates a set of micro-operation control signals, which opens a set of control gates to control the completion of a set of micro-operations. Each machine instruction corresponds to a segment of microprogram, and once this microprogram is executed, the function specified by the instruction is completed.

The primary objective of the microprogram controller is to implement a flexible and variable computer instruction system. Its core component is the micro-address transfer logic, while the control memory is used to store microinstructions. During the execution of instructions, the microprogram controller reads microinstructions from the control memory in sequence according to the instructions and their execution steps. It uses these microinstructions to control the operation of various execution components and generates the address of the next microinstruction to achieve continuous execution of microinstructions.

The characteristics of microprogramming include simplicity in design, low cost, slower speed, and ease of modification. It employs storage logic to pre-store concurrent signals as microinstructions, which can be directly called upon use. Typically, a MIPS instruction corresponds to multiple microinstructions买球下单平台, making the state equivalent to a memory address.

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